How to Perfect Your Email Communication with Workers 

Have you ever wondered why your candidates are not responding to your emails?

Increasing the list of candidates you can pitch jobs to is a never-ending process. But even if you have a long list of people who need your help to find a job, you can still make mistakes in your communication with them. When you send an email to potential candidates, you hope for their cooperation and interest and look for a smooth process.

However, that is not always the case. When was the last time you updated the emails you sent to candidates?

To help you with communication, we’ve provided some email writing tips perfect for the blue-collar workers who want to work abroad.


Know Your Workers Job and Salary Expectations


two workers talking


The hiring process on Hire Abroad is identical for all candidates. They will have access to open jobs to which they can apply.

After that, you will stay in touch with them and track their status. You’ll inform them about the interviews, when they are taking place, and follow up on documentation. It is your job to follow up with your clients when they get a job and ensure everything is correct as they upload their papers.

Then, they move abroad, and you can still keep in touch with them to make sure their employment agency came through, ask them how they are satisfied with their accommodations, and check in with them about the job itself.

This is how the process works for every candidate who wants to work abroad and finds a job through Hire Abroad. Whether you have more or less success depends mostly on how you communicate with your clients.


Set the Expectations from the Start


In your first few talks with a candidate, you need to talk about the expectations they have when it comes to working abroad and help them familiarise themselves with the application process, especially if this is the first time they are going to work abroad.

While meeting the expectations on time will eliminate dissatisfaction and unnecessary stress in the future, it also gives you a chance to learn more about your candidate.

It will help you send them jobs they’d really be interested in, tailor your messages in the future, and make them more personal. All of this increases their chances of accepting a job and moving abroad.

Often, workers who want to move abroad have unrealistic expectations of how everything works and how much money they can earn. While countries such as the Netherlands do offer excellent working conditions and salaries, moving abroad for a job will not be a walk in the park.

Let them know more about taxes and expenses they can expect to pay once they move, as well as the fact that they will most likely be living with other workers. Once workers have the realistic picture in mind, they’ll be more willing to apply for jobs and accept opportunities that you present them with.


Tips for Communicating with Candidates


a woman recruiter talking on a phone


If you have hundreds of candidates on your list, you can’t type an email to each candidate. What you need are email templates. That’s why you need to create email templates for different stages of the application process and adjust it accordingly before you send them out.


Tailor Each Message to Your Candidate


We’ve already mentioned that personalisation plays a big role in sending emails to candidates. Personalisation involves tailoring your communication to each candidate’s individual background and experience.

When reaching out to candidates, reference specific details from their resume or application that caught your attention. Mentioning their skills, past achievements, or any mutual connections can demonstrate that you’ve taken the time to research and understand their profile.

If you are sending jobs to multiple people and have a long list, personalising each email can be time-consuming. In that case, you can still divide the list into people with experience and those who haven’t worked abroad and make minimal changes before you send out a job offer.

For example, you can send an email saying, “because of your experience as a construction worker for [Company Name],…” and then invite them to apply for a construction job in the Netherlands.

By personalising your emails, they’ll have the feeling that you’re giving them your attention and doing your best to find them the job they want. And that’s exactly what you do. You just need to show it in your communication as well.


Maintain a Professional Tone


Maintaining a professional tone in your communication is crucial to establishing credibility and respect. At the same time, be friendly. Think of talking to your clients like talking to your friends who asked you to help them with their job search.

Convey the excitement of finding them opportunities, but retain the professional yet slightly informal tone.


Be Responsive Even If They Aren’t


Candidates might not always respond to your initial email promptly, or they might not respond at all. Regardless of their level of engagement, it’s important to remain responsive and available. If a candidate asks questions or expresses interest, respond to them without holding any grudges.

Even if a candidate doesn’t respond, maintaining your professionalism by being available for any inquiries can leave a positive impression. Don’t be scared to follow up to see what’s going on and if they are interested in the offers or not.


Be Polite


Politeness is essential in all interactions. Politeness creates a welcoming atmosphere and reflects well on your agency’s culture. Candidates are more likely to engage positively if they feel respected and appreciated in your communication.

Even if they fail to start working abroad, they will more likely recommend your agency to a friend if you’ve been treating them with nothing but respect. Word-of-mouth is the best way to get more candidates and expand your list.


Be Respectful


Respect candidates’ time and preferences. Avoid bombarding them with too many emails or repeated follow-ups in a short span of time. If a candidate decides the opportunity isn’t right for them, respect their decision gracefully. Respectful communication builds a positive reputation for your recruitment agency and encourages candidates to consider future opportunities.

There is a fine line between a few and too many emails. However, once you create your email templates for each stage of the process, you’ll be able to perfect your messaging and iron out the details, which will lead to an increase in the jobs your candidates get.


Prepare 12 Recruiting Email Templates For the Application Process


a person writing an email


You’re the one doing all the heavy lifting, but we want to make it easy for you when you start working through Hire Abroad. Therefore, we’ve prepared the stages of the process you need email templates for.

Although this will take some more time initially, it will save you a lot of time going forward. You’ll be able to contact more people while retaining the quality of the emails you send.


Email Template Examples


    1. First time contacting the candidates – Send them a short email explaining what they can expect when they work from you and immediately offer them some good opportunities.
    2. Offering jobs – You can create a short email referring to their CVs and explaining briefly why a certain position is good for them.
    3. Inviting candidates for interviews – Invite the candidates to an interview with the employer and send them the date and time. Ask them if they need help preparing.
    4. Follow up after the interview – Get in touch with candidates after the interview and ask them if they’re satisfied with the opportunity and what they think about it.
    5. Congratulating them on getting a job – Send a congratulations email when they get a job with some additional information on what’s next. 
    6. Rejection Email – If they don’t end up getting a job, send them an uplifting email and remind them that you’ll be looking for more opportunities.


Additional Emails You can Prepare


    1. Are you still interested in the position? – If they don’t respond, contact them to see if they are still interested in the positions you proposed.
    2. When candidates get referred – Send an email mentioning the person who referred them to you and getting acquainted with the job search process and how you’ll help them.
    3. Application follow up email – Send a follow up email when they apply, thanking them for taking the time to submit everything and saying that they can expect to hear from you.
    4. Confirm interview invitation – have your candidates confirm that they received an interview invitation.
    5. Interview reminder – send your candidates a reminder email before their interview.
    6. When they move abroad – Contact your candidates to check in on them once they move.


Still Struggling with Recruitment?


Hopefully, creating these email templates will allow you to recruit more efficiently! Especially when you add your personal touch and test these emails out to see which ones bring results and which need to be modified.

Are you still struggling with recruitment? Whether you need help automating processes or keeping track of your clients and the stage they’re in, Hire Abroad can help.

At Hire Abroad, we have a large selection of jobs not only from the Netherlands but also from other Western European countries! Visit our home page and click on “Let’s talk” and we’ll contact you to explore your opportunities and help you bring your recruiting to the next level.


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