From Traditional to Freelance Recruiter and 12 Successful Placements In the First Month

Meryem Ablay, a seasoned recruiter from the Netherlands, has transformed her career and switched from a traditional office position to a dynamic role of independent recruiter. Meryem’s choice to join Hire Abroad couldn’t come at a better time, as this step allowed her to smoothly transition to a remote work style and stay focused just on recruiting. 

In this case study, we break down how the Hire Abroad platform has helped Meryem maximise her recruitment efforts and achieve remarkable results quickly. If you’re an independent recruiter looking to increase your earnings and potentially expand your recruiting business, this case study is for you.

Key Achievements

  • 12 candidates successfully placed within the first month
  • 8 recruits currently pending confirmation
  • 220+ registered candidates on the platform and ready to be matched

Smooth Transition with Hire Abroad 

Meryem Ablay has experienced two significant changes since joining Hire Abroad:

  • She was able to start working fully remotely;
  • She could finally focus solely on recruitment as everything else was taken care of.

As a result, she saw her business grow as soon as she joined the platform.

Working Fully Remotely: Entire Process on a Single Platform

“That is the most beautiful part of this opportunity (Hire Abroad) because I no longer want to work at the office (smile). That’s what I love about it, and this is also why it was my choice.”

Meryem comes from the Netherlands, where she used to work in big recruitment agencies. Coming from a traditional working environment, she felt a desire for more flexibility and autonomy and decided to transition to remote work.

During her research, she discovered a platform that allows recruiters to work remotely and recruit candidates for vacancies across Europe. Hire Abroad simplified the entire recruitment process for her by unifying it into one platform and providing all necessary training to start using the system efficiently. 

Meryem shared why Hire Abroad was an ideal fit for her business during this phase:

It was actually a new career path for me because I came from a more traditional background, which meant working in an office. I wanted to work remotely so that I could be flexible and work when I wanted and from where I wanted. I am able to work this way because of my background and extensive experience, so Hire Abroad is an excellent fit for me, and I’m happy to be a part of their very professional team.

She now works as an independent recruiter fully remotely, using her expertise to collaborate with private companies and help them fill necessary positions.

Laser Focus: Being a Recruiter and Delegating Other Parts of the Business

Meryem highlights that what sets Hire Abroad apart is its ability to let recruiters focus only on their responsibility—finding the right talent for the right role. In her previous experience at traditional job agencies, she often had to focus on multiple tasks besides recruitment. 

Hire Abroad helps with their partnerships and network of employers and employment agencies, guaranteeing that recruiters always have many vacancies to fill. The platform also makes administrative tasks easier by supporting document collection and easy tracking and invoicing of working hours. This system allows recruiters like Meryem to dedicate their time and expertise to what they do best: matching people with opportunities without any distractions.

With Hire Abroad, I’m no longer burdened with every step from A to Z, including planning and administration. Instead, I can focus solely on the recruitment part of my job, thanks to their very supportive platform. The professionals from the support team were crucial in helping me, an ‘old school’ professional not used to working online, quickly adapt to the platform.

Getting Started with Hire Abroad and Seeing First Results

Meryem described the onboarding process as perfect. She was impressed with the level of responsiveness and availability of the Hire Abroad team. Even though the previous method of working with phones enabled a somewhat quicker way to connect candidates and clients, she found that the platform allowed her to learn more about the candidates and keep a better track of their progress through the hiring process.

“The onboarding was perfect, and yeah, I can ask them (the Hire Abroad team) any questions. I am still on the Slack platform, so they are always there for you.”

After the onboarding process, Meryem’s extensive experience and expertise immediately showed results. She placed 12 candidates successfully in an incredibly short time and has eight more prospects awaiting confirmation. Her efforts have also led to over 220 registered profiles on the platform, which means these numbers will increase soon.

Meryem remained modest and showed optimism for her future at Hire Abroad:

“Yes, so I’m happy (with the placements) but I still feel I didn’t achieve that much (of what’s possible). It’s maybe because I want to achieve things quicker, but, you know, you’re working with people, so you need to be patient.”

What Meryem Liked the Most About the Hire Abroad Platform

  1. A user-friendly interface with a clear overview of the process and candidates
  2. Automated matching of candidates for faster and improved process
  3. Easy and clear communication with candidates and clients

Meryem was pleasantly surprised by the platform’s user-friendly interface and the structured overview it provides. She found it easy to track progress and identify the status of each applicant as the platform enables her to monitor candidates throughout every stage. 

“I think also the use of the platform, the online platform, is very clear. You know everything about the candidates—you can see who is working, where, for how long—the whole process. I find it very well.”

She also values the automated matching of vacancies and candidates, which allows her to assist candidates more effectively and align them with job opportunities that fit their preferences and skills.

Personal contact with candidates has always been important to her. That’s why she especially likes that Hire Abroad allows her to easily communicate with candidates and ensure they feel supported and satisfied throughout the hiring process. 

“There are some people already working, and for me, it’s very important to keep in touch with them. I love to have personal contact with the candidates. And people are satisfied. Sometimes, of course, to be honest, there are some little issues, but you can easily solve them.”

Professionalism Above All Else

We asked Meryem if she would recommend Hire Abroad to other recruiters, and this is what she said:  

“I’ve had some similar experiences as a recruiter, but they weren’t as professional, to be honest. Hire Abroad is a highly professional organisation, and it’s crucial for recruiters to be part of such an environment. They provide opportunities for growth and support you in achieving your goals. I hope to accomplish more together and that I can elevate my recruitment agency with their help. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Begin Your Hiring Journey With Hire Abroad

Join Meryem and other freelance recruiters and recruitment agencies that are already on Hire Abroad, matching candidates to ideal vacancies daily. Schedule a call with us to learn how we can provide you access to the vast number of job offers and our proven recruitment process that has helped successfully place over 40,000 candidates in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

Happy recruiting!


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